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Student Story: Winter 2015

My college roommate brought me to my first yoga class. I didn’t fall in love with yoga immediately. I was frustrated that I couldn’t get into the poses the way the other students could. Chaturanga, even on my knees, felt impossible. I remember counting the seconds until we were called out of pigeon pose because my hips were so tight that it hurt. I started a consistent practice after graduation. Returning to yoga during a time of uncertainty and change brought me comfort and made me feel grounded.

Continuous practice helped me improve my form and shift my attitude. Yoga is not about comparison, perfection or the style of your yoga pants. I’ve learned to listen to my body and accept my physical limitations. I try not to beat myself up when my version of a pose doesn’t look like it would make the cover of Yoga Journal. Somehow practicing yoga in a community always gives me an extra burst of energy to push through my doubts and surprise myself. I am happier and healthier because of yoga.

Anna’s Vinyasa/Hatha class has helped me build strength that I never had before, especially in my arms. I really enjoy the combination of flow to get my heart rate up and static postures for focus on alignment and toning. River Garden is the perfect community for beginners and experienced students. I feel comfortable modifying poses and also encouraged to advance my practice. I love the structure and pace of Anna’s class. She dedicates time at the beginning of class to grounding and warming up and sets aside generous time at the end for seated poses and relaxation. When I leave class on Sunday mornings, I feel energized for my day, and after class on Tuesday night, I notice decreased stress and deeper sleep.

It’s hard to make time for yoga some days but when I do, I never regret it. Any worries that may have been on my mind become less significant and my outlook and confidence improve. Practicing in a community motivates me to challenge myself in a way that I don’t do at home. I notice that I push myself to hold plank pose for a few extra breaths or take just one last vinyasa even when my arms already feel like jello. On days that I can’t make it to class, I try to fit in a few sun salutations or even just relax in legs up the wall pose for 10 minutes. After a long day of sitting at my desk, nothing feels better!

I recommend Anna's workshops and special classes. I learned a lot in her “Sun Salutation Workshop.” Sun salutations are an integral part of most yoga classes but I never took the time to break them down and really focus on form. We also talked a bit about the origin of sun salutations and the physiological benefits. Her recent “Heartstrings Yoga” class set to live harp music was a treat, too. Make sure to sign up for next one. I'll see you there!

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