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Summer and the Doshas

The healing system of Ayurveda seeks to balance the doshas, the three biological forces that are deemed responsible for everything from personality types to dry skin. We modify our Yoga practice to balance these forces so we can be more physically and mentally in balance. In our summer yoga practice, we pay special attention to the pitta dosha.

Pitta dominates in summer. Pitta is associated with the element of Fire and brings with it the energy of transformation. Pitta reveals itself as alertness and precision in thinking, clear communication, strong digestion, and high energy. If out of balance, pitta manifests as anger, short temperedness, fever, rashes, overheating, indigestion, and heart burn. To counterbalance excess pitta in our practice, we make sure to approach poses in an open-hearted, relaxed, and accepting manner and we offer ample time for cooling down. Let summer time be play time and approach your practice with a light heart!

Words for a pitta-balancing practice: relax, calm, renew, cool, ease, compassion, acceptance

Sample pose to balance pitta: Garudasana (Eagle pose)

Sample breath to balance pitta: Nadi Shodona (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

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