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Yoga and the Ayurvedic Doshas

As our bodies and minds complete their transition into winter we may notice things settle and bring relief... and then perhaps get stuck :) We will modify our Yoga practice to relieve tendencies of the body and mind as the season progresses. You may recall our autumn conversation about Ayurveda, the ancient Indian health science. This healing system seeks to balance out the doshas, which are the three biological forces that are deemed responsible for everything from personality types to dry skin. In our winter Yoga practices, we primarily address the vata and kapha doshas.

Vata is in full swing right now and brings us motivation, creativity, and enthusiasm; if out of balance vata can lead to weakness, anxiety, and depression. You may have noticed that the weekly classes have been more focused on grounding, stabilizing, and calming. We will maintain our focus on stabilizing the pelvis and legs and then out of that strength we will fold in gentle heart openers as mid-winter sets in.

Words for a balancing vata practice: strength, stability, serenity, gentleness, acceptance.

Kapha dominates in late winter and early spring. Kapha reveals itself as stability, calmness, compassion, and loving energy. If out of balance, kapha manifests as sluggishness, depression, stubbornness, lack of motivation, weight gain, and upper respiratory disturbances. To counterbalance excess kapha in our practice, by mid-winter we will have more flowing movements interwoven into the practice, plenty of heart openers, and revitalizing twists toward the end of winter.

Words for a balancing kapha practice: power, joy, energy, generosity, stimulation

May you feel grounded, peaceful, and joyful throughout the winter season.

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